Package 'dataverse'

Title: Client for Dataverse 4+ Repositories
Description: Provides access to Dataverse APIs <> (versions 4-5), enabling data search, retrieval, and deposit. For Dataverse versions <= 3.0, use the archived 'dvn' package <>.
Authors: Shiro Kuriwaki [aut, cre] , Will Beasley [aut] , Thomas J. Leeper [aut] , Philip Durbin [aut] , Sebastian Karcher [aut] , Jan Kanis [ctb], Edward Jee [ctb], Johannes Gruber [ctb] , Martin Morgan [ctb]
Maintainer: Shiro Kuriwaki <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.3.15
Built: 2025-02-14 05:28:18 UTC

Help Index

Add or update a file in a dataset


Add or update a file in a dataset. For most applications, this is the recommended function to upload your own local datasets to an existing Dataverse dataset. Uploading requires a Dataverse API Key in the key variable.


  description = NULL,
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),

  dataset = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  force = TRUE,
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character string for the location path of the file to be uploaded.


A character specifying a persistent identification ID for a dataset, for example "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU". Alternatively, an object of class “dataverse_dataset” obtained by dataverse_contents().


Optionally, a character string providing a description of the file.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


An integer specifying a file identifier; or, if doi is specified, a character string specifying a file name within the DOI-identified dataset; or an object of class “dataverse_file” as returned by dataset_files.


A logical indicating whether to force the update even if the file types differ. Default is TRUE.


From Dataverse v4.6.1, the “native” API provides endpoints to add and update files without going through the SWORD workflow. To use SWORD instead, see add_file. add_dataset_file adds a new file to a specified dataset.

update_dataset_file can be used to replace/update a published file. Note that it only works on published files, so unpublished drafts cannot be updated - the dataset must first either be published (publish_dataset) or deleted (delete_dataset).


add_dataset_file returns the new file ID. It also uploads the file to the dataset.

See Also

get_dataset, delete_dataset, publish_dataset


## Not run: 
meta <- list()
ds <- create_dataset("mydataverse", body = meta)

# Upload RDS dataset saved to local
saveRDS(mtcars, tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds"))
f <- add_dataset_file(tmp, dataset = ds, description = "mtcars")

# Publish dataset

# Update file and republish
saveRDS(iris, tmp)
update_dataset_file(tmp, dataset = ds, id = f,
                    description = "Actually iris")

# Cleanup

## End(Not run)

Add file (SWORD)


Add one or more files to a SWORD (possibly unpublished) dataset


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A dataset DOI (or other persistent identifier), an object of class “dataset_atom” or “dataset_statement”, or an appropriate and complete SWORD URL.


A character vector of file names, a data.frame, or a list of R objects.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function is used to add files to a dataset. It is part of the SWORD API, which is used to upload data to a Dataverse server. This means this can be used to view unpublished Dataverses and Datasets.

As of Dataverse v4.6.1, the “native” API also provides endpoints to add and update files without going through the SWORD workflow. This functionality is provided by add_dataset_file and update_dataset_file.


An object of class “dataset_atom”.

See Also

Managing a Dataverse: publish_dataverse; Managing a dataset: dataset_atom, list_datasets, create_dataset, delete_dataset, publish_dataset; Managing files within a dataset: add_file, delete_file


## Not run: 
# retrieve your service document
d <- service_document()

# create a list of metadata
metadat <- list(title = "My Study",
                creator = "Doe, John",
                description = "An example study")

# create the dataset
dat <- initiate_sword_dataset("mydataverse", body = metadat)

# add files to dataset
tmp <- tempfile()
write.csv(iris, file = tmp)
f <- add_file(dat, file = tmp)

# publish dataset

# delete a dataset

## End(Not run)

Utilities for cache management


The dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance. Use of the cache is described on this page.








A character specifying a version of the dataset. This can be of the form "1.1" or "1" (where in "x.y", x is a major version and y is an optional minor version), or ":latest" (the default, the latest published version). We recommend using the number format so that the function stores a cache of the data (See cache_dataset). If the user specifies a key or DATAVERSE_KEY argument, they can access the draft version by ":draft" (the current draft) or ":latest" (which will prioritize the draft over the latest published version. Finally, set use_cache = "none" to not read from the cache and re-download afresh even when version is provided.


Use of the cache is determined by the value of the ⁠use_cache =⁠ argument to dataset and other API calls, or by the environment variable DATAVERSE_USE_CACHE. Possible values are

  • "none": do not use the cache. This is the default for datasets that are versioned with ":draft", ":latest", and ":latest-published".

  • "session": cache API requests for the duration of the R session. This is the default for API calls that do not involve file or dataset retrieval.

  • '"disk": use a permanent disk cache. This is the default for files and explicitly versioned datasets.

cache_dataset() determines whether a dataset or file should be cached based on the version specification.

cache_path() finds or creates the location (directory) on the file system containing the cache.

cache_info() queries the cache for information about the name, size, and other attributes of files in the cache. The file name is a 'hash' of the function used to retrieve the file; it is not useful for identifying specific files.

cache_reset() clears all downloaded files from the disk cache.


cache_dataset() returns "disk" if the dataset version is to be cached to disk, "none" otherwise.

cache_path() returns the file path to the directory containing the cache.

cache_info() returns a data.frame containing names and sizes of files in the cache.

cache_reset() returns the path to the (now empty) cache, invisibly)


cache_dataset(":latest")  # "none"
cache_dataset("1.2")      # "disk"

## Not run: 
 # specifying the version will by default store a cache. Add `use_cache = "none"` to turn off
 df_tab <-
   filename = "",
   dataset  = "doi:10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU",
   server   = "",
   version = "3"

## End(Not run)



Create or update a dataset


Create or update dataset within a Dataverse


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),

  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character string specifying a Dataverse name or an object of class “dataverse”.


A list describing the dataset.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


A character specifying a persistent identification ID for a dataset, for example "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU". Alternatively, an object of class “dataverse_dataset” obtained by dataverse_contents().


create_dataset creates a Dataverse dataset. In Dataverse, a “dataset” is the lowest-level structure in which to organize files. For example, a Dataverse dataset might contain the files used to reproduce a published article, including data, analysis code, and related materials. Datasets can be organized into “Dataverse” objects, which can be further nested within other Dataverses. For someone creating an archive, this would be the first step to producing said archive (after creating a Dataverse, if one does not already exist). Once files and metadata have been added, the dataset can be published (i.e., made public) using publish_dataset.

update_dataset updates a Dataverse dataset that has already been created using create_dataset. This creates a draft version of the dataset or modifies the current draft if one is already in-progress. It does not assign a new version number to the dataset nor does it make it publicly visible (which can be done with publish_dataset).


An object of class “dataverse_dataset”.

See Also

get_dataset, delete_dataset, publish_dataset


## Not run: 
meta <- list()
ds <- create_dataset("mydataverse", body = meta)

meta2 <- list()
update_dataset(ds, body = meta2)

# cleanup

## End(Not run)

Create Dataverse


Create a new Dataverse


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character string specifying a Dataverse name or an object of class “dataverse”. If missing, a top-level Dataverse is created.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function can create a new Dataverse. In the language of Dataverse, a user has a “root” Dataverse into which they can create further nested Dataverses and/or “datasets” that contain, for example, a set of files for a specific project. Creating a new Dataverse can therefore be a useful way to organize other related Dataverses or sets of related datasets.

For example, if one were involved in an ongoing project that generated monthly data. One may want to store each month's data and related files in a separate “dataset”, so that each has its own persistent identifier (e.g., DOI), but keep all of these datasets within a named Dataverse so that the project's files are kept separate the user's personal Dataverse records. The flexible nesting of Dataverses allows for a number of possible organizational approaches.


A list.

See Also

To manage Dataverses: delete_dataverse, publish_dataverse, dataverse_contents; to get datasets: get_dataset; to search for Dataverses, datasets, or files: dataverse_search


## Not run: 
(dv <- create_dataverse("mydataverse"))

# cleanup

## End(Not run)

View dataset (SWORD)


View a SWORD (possibly unpublished) dataset “statement”


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),

  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A dataset DOI (or other persistent identifier), an object of class “dataset_atom” or “dataset_statement”, or an appropriate and complete SWORD URL.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


These functions are used to view a dataset by its persistent identifier. dataset_statement will contain information about the contents of the dataset, whereas dataset_atom contains “metadata” relevant to the SWORD API.


A list. For dataset_atom, an object of class “dataset_atom”.

See Also

Managing a Dataverse: publish_dataverse; Managing a dataset: dataset_atom, list_datasets, create_dataset, delete_sword_dataset, publish_dataset; Managing files within a dataset: add_file, delete_file


## Not run: 
# retrieve your service document
d <- service_document()

# retrieve dataset statement (list contents)

# retrieve dataset atom

## End(Not run)

Dataset versions


View versions of a dataset


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character specifying a persistent identification ID for a dataset, for example "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU". Alternatively, an object of class “dataverse_dataset” obtained by dataverse_contents().


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This returns a list of objects of all versions of a dataset, including metadata. This can be used as a first step for retrieving older versions of files or datasets.


A list of class “dataverse_dataset_version”.

See Also

get_dataset, dataset_files, publish_dataset


## Not run: 
# download file from:
monogan <- get_dataverse("monogan")
monogan_data <- dataverse_contents(monogan)
d1 <- get_dataset(monogan_data[[1]])

## End(Not run)

Client for Dataverse Repositories


Provides access to Dataverse 4+ APIs, enabling data search, retrieval, and deposit.


Dataverse is open-source data repository management software developed by the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University. This package provides an R interface to Dataverse version 4 repositories, including the principal Dataverse hosted at Harvard ( Users can use the package to search for data stored in a Dataverse repository, retrieve data and other files, and also use the package to directly create and archive their own research data and software.

A Dataverse is structured as a nested set of “dataverse” repositories, such that a single dataverse can contain “datasets” (a set of code files, data files, etc.) or other dataverses. Thus, users may want to search for dataverses (sets of dataverses and datasets), datasets (sets of files), or individual files, and retrieve those objects accordingly. To retrieve a given file, a user typically needs to know what dataset it is stored in. All datasets are identified by a persistent identifier (such as an DOI or Handle, depending on the age of the dataset and what Dataverse repository it is hosted in).

This package provides five main sets of functions to interact with Dataverse:


Maintainer: Shiro Kuriwaki [email protected] (ORCID)


Other contributors:


Documentation for this R Package

Code Repository for the R Package

Dataverse API Documentation

Dataverse Homepage

Harvard IQSS Dataverse

See Also

Useful links:

Dataverse metadata


Get metadata for a named Dataverse.


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character string specifying a Dataverse name or an object of class “dataverse”.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function returns a list of metadata for a named Dataverse. Use dataverse_contents to list Dataverses and/or datasets contained within a Dataverse or use dataset_metadata to get metadata for a specific dataset.


A list

See Also



## Not run: 
# download file from:
monogan <- get_dataverse("monogan")
monogan_data <- dataverse_contents(monogan)

## End(Not run)

Delete draft dataset


Delete a dataset draft


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character specifying a persistent identification ID for a dataset, for example "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU". Alternatively, an object of class “dataverse_dataset” obtained by dataverse_contents().


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function can be used to delete a draft (unpublished) Dataverse dataset. Once published, a dataset cannot be deleted. An existing draft can instead be modified using update_dataset.


A logical.

See Also

get_dataset, create_dataset, update_dataset, delete_dataset, publish_dataset


## Not run: 
meta <- list()
ds <- create_dataset("mydataverse", body = meta)

## End(Not run)

Delete Dataverse


Delete a dataverse


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character string specifying a Dataverse name or an object of class “dataverse”.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function deletes a Dataverse.


A logical.

See Also

To manage Dataverses: create_dataverse, publish_dataverse, dataverse_contents; to get datasets: get_dataset; to search for Dataverses, datasets, or files: dataverse_search


## Not run: 
dv <- create_dataverse("mydataverse")

## End(Not run)

Delete file (SWORD)


Delete a file from a SWORD (possibly unpublished) dataset


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A file ID, possibly returned by add_file, or a complete “edit-media/file” URL.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function is used to delete a file from a dataset by its file ID. It is part of the SWORD API, which is used to upload data to a Dataverse server.


If successful, a logical TRUE, else possibly some information.

See Also

Managing a Dataverse: publish_dataverse; Managing a dataset: dataset_atom, list_datasets, create_dataset, delete_dataset, publish_dataset; Managing files within a dataset: add_file, delete_file


## Not run: 
# retrieve your service document
d <- service_document()

# create a list of metadata
metadat <- list(title = "My Study",
                creator = "Doe, John",
                description = "An example study")

# create the dataset
dat <- initiate_sword_dataset("mydataverse", body = metadat)

# add files to dataset
tmp <- tempfile()
write.csv(iris, file = tmp)
f <- add_file(dat, file = tmp)

# delete a file
ds <- dataset_statement(dat)

# delete a dataset

## End(Not run)

Delete dataset (SWORD)


Delete a SWORD (possibly unpublished) dataset


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A dataset DOI (or other persistent identifier).


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function is used to delete a dataset by its persistent identifier. It is part of the SWORD API, which is used to upload data to a Dataverse server.


If successful, a logical TRUE, else possibly some information.

See Also

Managing a Dataverse: publish_dataverse; Managing a dataset: dataset_atom, list_datasets, create_dataset, publish_dataset; Managing files within a dataset: add_file, delete_file


## Not run: 
# retrieve your service document
d <- service_document()

# create a list of metadata
metadat <- list(title = "My Study",
                creator = "Doe, John",
                description = "An example study")

# create the dataset in first dataverse
dat <- initiate_sword_dataset(d[[2]], body = metadat)

# delete a dataset

## End(Not run)

Download dataverse file as a dataframe


Reads in the Dataverse file into the R environment with any user-specified function, such as read.csv or readr functions.

Use get_dataframe_by_name if you know the name of the datafile and the DOI of the dataset. Use get_dataframe_by_doi if you know the DOI of the datafile itself. Use get_dataframe_by_id if you know the numeric ID of the datafile. For files that are not datasets, the more generic get_file that downloads the content as a binary is simpler.

The function can read datasets that are unpublished and are still drafts, as long as the entry has a UNF. See the download vignette for details.


  dataset = NULL,
  .f = NULL,
  original = FALSE,

get_dataframe_by_id(fileid, .f = NULL, original = FALSE, ...)

get_dataframe_by_doi(filedoi, .f = NULL, original = FALSE, ...)



The name of the file of interest, with file extension, for example "". Can be a vector for multiple files.


A character specifying a persistent identification ID for a dataset, for example "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU". Alternatively, an object of class “dataverse_dataset” obtained by dataverse_contents().


The function to used for reading in the raw dataset. The user must choose the appropriate function: for example if the target is a .rds file, then .f should be readRDS or readr::read_rds. It can be a custom function defined by the user. See examples for details.


A logical, whether to read the ingested, archival version of the datafile if one exists. If TRUE, users should supply a function to use to read in the original. The archival versions are tab-delimited .tab files so if original = FALSE, .f is set to readr::read_tsv.


Arguments passed on to get_file


An integer specifying a file identifier; or a vector of integers specifying file identifiers; or, if used with the prefix "doi:", a character with the file-specific DOI; or, if used without the prefix, a filename accompanied by a dataset DOI in the dataset argument, or an object of class “dataverse_file” as returned by dataset_files. Can be a vector for multiple files.


A character string specifying a file format for download. by default, this is “original” (the original file format). If NULL, no query is added, so ingested files are returned in their ingested TSV form. For tabular datasets, the option “bundle” downloads the bundle of the original and archival versions, as well as the documentation. See for details.


A character vector specifying one or more variable names, used to extract a subset of the data.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


A character specifying a version of the dataset. This can be of the form "1.1" or "1" (where in "x.y", x is a major version and y is an optional minor version), or ":latest" (the default, the latest published version). We recommend using the number format so that the function stores a cache of the data (See cache_dataset). If the user specifies a key or DATAVERSE_KEY argument, they can access the draft version by ":draft" (the current draft) or ":latest" (which will prioritize the draft over the latest published version. Finally, set use_cache = "none" to not read from the cache and re-download afresh even when version is provided.


Instead of downloading the file, return the URL for download. Defaults to FALSE.


A numeric ID internally used for get_file_by_id. Can be a vector for multiple files.


A DOI for a single file (not the entire dataset), of the form "10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE/MHDB0O" or "doi:10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE/MHDB0O". Can be a vector for multiple files.


A R object that is returned by the default or user-supplied function .f argument. For example, if .f = readr::read_tsv(), the function will return a dataframe as read in by readr::read_tsv(). If the file identifier is a vector, it will return a list where each slot corresponds to elements of the vector.


## Not run: 
# 1. For files originally in plain-text (.csv, .tsv), we recommend
# retreiving data.frame from dataverse DOI and file name, or the file's DOI.

df_tab <-
    filename = "",
    dataset  = "doi:10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU",
    server   = ""

df_tab <-
    filedoi      = "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU/SA3Z2V",
    server       = ""

# 2. For files where Dataverse's ingest loses information (Stata .dta, SPSS .sav)
# or cannot be ingested (R .rds), we recommend
# specifying `original = TRUE` and specifying a read-in function in .f.

# Rds files are not ingested so original = TRUE and .f is required.
if (requireNamespace("readr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  df_from_rds_original <-
      filename   = "nlsw88_rds-export.rds",
      dataset    = "doi:10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE",
      server     = "",
      original   = TRUE,
      .f         = readr::read_rds

# Stata dta files lose attributes such as value labels upon ingest so
# reading the original version by a Stata reader such as `haven` is recommended.
if (requireNamespace("haven", quietly = TRUE)) {
  df_stata_original <-
      filename   = "",
      dataset    = "doi:10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE",
      server     = "",
      original   = TRUE,
      .f         = haven::read_dta

# 3. RData files are read in by `base::load()` but cannot be assigned to an
# object name. The following shows two possible ways to read in such files.
# First, the RData object can be loaded to the environment without object assignment.

  filedoi = "10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE/X2FC5V",
  server = "",
  original = TRUE,
  .f = function(x) load(x, envir = .GlobalEnv))

# If you are certain each RData contains only one object, one could define a
# custom function used in
load_object <- function(file) {
  tmp <- new.env()
  load(file = file, envir = tmp)

as_rda <- get_dataframe_by_id(
  file = 1939003,
  server = "",
  .f = load_object,
  original = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Get dataset metadata


Retrieve metadata. To actually download a data file, see get_file or get_dataframe_by_name.


  version = ":latest",
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),
  use_cache = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_USE_CACHE", cache_dataset(version))

  version = ":latest",
  block = "citation",
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),
  use_cache = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_USE_CACHE", cache_dataset(version))

  version = ":latest",
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),
  use_cache = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_USE_CACHE", cache_dataset(version))



A character specifying a persistent identification ID for a dataset, for example "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU". Alternatively, an object of class “dataverse_dataset” obtained by dataverse_contents().


A character specifying a version of the dataset. This can be of the form "1.1" or "1" (where in "x.y", x is a major version and y is an optional minor version), or ":latest" (the default, the latest published version). We recommend using the number format so that the function stores a cache of the data (See cache_dataset). If the user specifies a key or DATAVERSE_KEY argument, they can access the draft version by ":draft" (the current draft) or ":latest" (which will prioritize the draft over the latest published version. Finally, set use_cache = "none" to not read from the cache and re-download afresh even when version is provided.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


one of "disk", "session", or "none", describing how datasets are cached to reduce network traffic. See cache_dataset for details.


A character string specifying a metadata block to retrieve. By default this is “citation”. Other values may be available, depending on the dataset, such as “geospatial” or “socialscience”.


get_dataset retrieves details about a Dataverse dataset.

dataset_metadata returns a named metadata block for a dataset. This is already returned by get_dataset, but this function allows you to retrieve just a specific block of metadata, such as citation information.

dataset_files returns a list of files in a dataset, similar to get_dataset. The difference is that this returns only a list of “dataverse_dataset” objects, whereas get_dataset returns metadata and a data.frame of files (rather than a list of file objects).


A list of class “dataverse_dataset” or a list of a form dependent on the specific metadata block retrieved. dataset_files returns a list of objects of class “dataverse_file”.

See Also



## Not run: 
Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "")

# download file from:
dv <- get_dataverse("dataverse-client-r")
contents <- dataverse_contents(dv)[[1]]



## End(Not run)

Get Dataverse


Retrieve details of a Dataverse


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),
  check = TRUE,

  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character string specifying a Dataverse name or an object of class “dataverse”.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


A logical indicating whether to check that the value of dataverse is actually a numeric


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


get_dataverse function retrieves basic information about a Dataverse from a Dataverse server. To see the contents of the Dataverse, use dataverse_contents instead. Contents might include one or more “datasets” and/or further Dataverses that themselves contain Dataverses and/or datasets. To view the file contents of a single Dataset, use get_dataset.


A list of class “dataverse”.


## Not run: 
Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "")

# download file from:
dv <- get_dataverse("dataverse-client-r")

# get a dataset from the dataverse
(d1 <- get_dataset(dataverse_contents(dv)[[1]]))

# download a file using the metadata
get_dataframe_by_name("", d1$datasetPersistentId)

## End(Not run)

Get Dataverse facets


Dataverse metadata facets


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character string specifying a Dataverse name or an object of class “dataverse”.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


Retrieve a list of Dataverse metadata facets.


A list.

See Also

To manage Dataverses: create_dataverse, delete_dataverse, publish_dataverse, dataverse_contents; to get datasets: get_dataset; to search for Dataverses, datasets, or files: dataverse_search


## Not run: 
# download file from:
monogan <- get_dataverse("monogan")
(monogan_data <- dataverse_contents(monogan))

# get facets

## End(Not run)

Download Dataverse file as a raw binary


Download Dataverse File(s). ⁠get_file_*⁠ functions return a raw binary file, which cannot be readily analyzed in R. To use the objects as dataframes, see the ⁠get_dataframe_*⁠ functions at ?get_dataframe instead.


  dataset = NULL,
  format = c("original", "bundle"),
  vars = NULL,
  return_url = FALSE,
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),
  original = TRUE,
  version = ":latest",

  format = c("original", "bundle"),
  vars = NULL,
  return_url = FALSE,
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),
  original = TRUE,

  dataset = NULL,
  format = c("original", "bundle"),
  vars = NULL,
  original = TRUE,
  progress = NULL,
  return_url = FALSE,
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),

  dataset = NULL,
  format = c("original", "bundle"),
  vars = NULL,
  original = TRUE,
  return_url = FALSE,
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



An integer specifying a file identifier; or a vector of integers specifying file identifiers; or, if used with the prefix "doi:", a character with the file-specific DOI; or, if used without the prefix, a filename accompanied by a dataset DOI in the dataset argument, or an object of class “dataverse_file” as returned by dataset_files. Can be a vector for multiple files.


A character specifying a persistent identification ID for a dataset, for example "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU". Alternatively, an object of class “dataverse_dataset” obtained by dataverse_contents().


A character string specifying a file format for download. by default, this is “original” (the original file format). If NULL, no query is added, so ingested files are returned in their ingested TSV form. For tabular datasets, the option “bundle” downloads the bundle of the original and archival versions, as well as the documentation. See for details.


A character vector specifying one or more variable names, used to extract a subset of the data.


Instead of downloading the file, return the URL for download. Defaults to FALSE.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


A logical, defaulting to TRUE. If a ingested (.tab) version is available, download the original version instead of the ingested? If there was no ingested version, is set to NA. Note in ⁠get_dataframe_*⁠, original is set to FALSE by default. Either can be changed.


A character specifying a version of the dataset. This can be of the form "1.1" or "1" (where in "x.y", x is a major version and y is an optional minor version), or ":latest" (the default, the latest published version). We recommend using the number format so that the function stores a cache of the data (See cache_dataset). If the user specifies a key or DATAVERSE_KEY argument, they can access the draft version by ":draft" (the current draft) or ":latest" (which will prioritize the draft over the latest published version. Finally, set use_cache = "none" to not read from the cache and re-download afresh even when version is provided.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


Filename of the dataset, with file extension as shown in Dataverse (for example, if nlsw88.dta was the original but is displayed as the ingested, use the ingested version.)


A numeric ID internally used for get_file_by_id. Can be a vector for multiple files.


Whether to show a progress bar of the download. If not specified, will be set to TRUE for a file larger than 100MB. To fix a value, set FALSE or TRUE.


A DOI for a single file (not the entire dataset), of the form "10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE/MHDB0O" or "doi:10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE/MHDB0O". Can be a vector for multiple files.


This function provides access to data files from a Dataverse entry. get_file is a general wrapper, and can take either dataverse objects, file IDs, or a filename and dataverse. Internally, all functions download each file by get_file_by_id. get_file_by_name is a shorthand for running get_file by specifying a file name (filename) and dataset (dataset). get_file_by_doi obtains a file by its file DOI, bypassing the dataset argument.


get_file returns a raw vector (or list of raw vectors, if length(file) > 1), which can be saved locally with the writeBin function. To load datasets into the R environment dataframe, see get_dataframe_by_name.

See Also

To load the objects as datasets get_dataframe_by_name.


## Not run: 

# 1. Using filename and dataverse
f1 <- get_file_by_name(
  filename = "",
  dataset  = "10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE",
  server   = ""

# 2. Using file DOI
f2 <- get_file_by_doi(
  filedoi  = "10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE/MHDB0O",
  server   = ""

# 3. Two-steps: Find ID from get_dataset
d3 <- get_dataset("doi:10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE", server = "")
f3 <- get_file(d3$files$id[1], server = "")

# 4. Retrieve multiple raw data in list
f4_meta <- get_dataset(
  server = ""

f4 <- get_file(f4_meta$files$id, server = "")
names(f4) <- f4_meta$files$label

# Write binary files. To load into R environment, use get_dataframe_by_name()
# The appropriate file extension needs to be assigned by the user.

writeBin(f1, "nlsw88.dta") # .tab extension but save as dta
writeBin(f4[["nlsw88_rds-export.rds"]], "nlsw88.rds") # originally a rds file
writeBin(f4[[""]], "nlsw88.dta") # originally a dta file

## End(Not run)

Retrieve a ddi metadata file


Retrieve a ddi metadata file


  dataset = NULL,
  format = c("ddi", "preprocessed"),
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



An integer specifying a file identifier; or a vector of integers specifying file identifiers; or, if used with the prefix "doi:", a character with the file-specific DOI; or, if used without the prefix, a filename accompanied by a dataset DOI in the dataset argument, or an object of class “dataverse_file” as returned by dataset_files. Can be a vector for multiple files.


A character specifying a persistent identification ID for a dataset, for example "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU". Alternatively, an object of class “dataverse_dataset” obtained by dataverse_contents().


Defaults to “ddi” for metadata files


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


A character vector containing a DDI metadata file.


## Not run: 
 ddi_raw <- get_file_metadata(file = "",
                              dataset = "10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE",
                              server = "")

## End(Not run)

Get API Key


Get a user's API key


get_user_key(user, password, server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"), ...)



A character vector specifying a Dataverse server username.


A character vector specifying the password for this user.


The Dataverse instance. See get_file.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


Use a Dataverse server's username and password login to obtain an API key for the user. This can be used if one does not yet have an API key, or desires to reset the key. This function does not require an API key argument to authenticate, but server must still be specified.


A list.


## Not run: 
 # Replace Username and password with personal login
 get_user_key("username", "password", server = "")

## End(Not run)

Initiate dataset (SWORD)


Initiate a SWORD (possibly unpublished) dataset


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A Dataverse alias or ID number, or an object of class “dataverse”, perhaps as returned by service_document.


A list containing one or more metadata fields. Field names must be valid Dublin Core Terms labels (see details, below). The ‘⁠title⁠’, ‘⁠description⁠’, and ‘⁠creator⁠’ fields are required.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function is used to initiate a dataset in a (SWORD) Dataverse by supplying relevant metadata. The function is part of the SWORD API (see Atom entry specification), which is used to upload data to a Dataverse server. Allowed fields are: “abstract”, “accessRights”, “accrualMethod”, “accrualPeriodicity”, “accrualPolicy”, “alternative”, “audience”, “available”, “bibliographicCitation”, “conformsTo”, “contributor”, “coverage”, “created”, “creator”, “date”, “dateAccepted”, “dateCopyrighted”, “dateSubmitted”, “description”, “educationLevel”, “extent”, “format”, “hasFormat”, “hasPart”, “hasVersion”, “identifier”, “instructionalMethod”, “isFormatOf”, “isPartOf”, “isReferencedBy”, “isReplacedBy”, “isRequiredBy”, “issued”, “isVersionOf”, “language”, “license”, “mediator”, “medium”, “modified”, “provenance”, “publisher”, “references”, “relation”, “replaces”, “requires”, “rights”, “rightsHolder”, “source”, “spatial”, “subject”, “tableOfContents”, “temporal”, “title”, “type”, and “valid”.


An object of class “dataset_atom”.


There are two ways to create dataset: native API (create_dataset) and SWORD API (initiate_sword_dataset).


Dublin Core Metadata Terms

See Also

Managing a Dataverse: publish_dataverse; Managing a dataset: dataset_atom, list_datasets, create_dataset, delete_sword_dataset, publish_dataset; Managing files within a dataset: add_file, delete_file


## Not run: 
# retrieve your service document (dataverse list)
d <- service_document()

# create a list of metadata
metadat <- list(title = "My Study",
                creator = "Doe, John",
                description = "An example study")

# create the dataset in first dataverse
dat <- initiate_sword_dataset(d[[2]], body = metadat)

# add files to dataset
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(iris, file = tmp)
add_file(dat, file = tmp)

# publish dataset

## End(Not run)

Identify if file is an ingested file


Identify if file is an ingested file


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A numeric fileid or file-specific DOI


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Arguments passed on to get_file (no effect here)


Length-1 logical, TRUE if it is ingested and FALSE otherwise


## Not run: 
is_ingested(x = "doi:10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE/MHDB0O",
            server = "")
is_ingested(x = 1734017,
            server = "")

# nlsw88_rds-export.rds
is_ingested(x = "doi:10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE/SUCFNI",
            server = "")
is_ingested(x = 1734016,
            server = "")

## End(Not run)

List datasets (SWORD)


List datasets in a SWORD (possibly unpublished) Dataverse


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A Dataverse alias or ID number, or an object of class “dataverse”, perhaps as returned by service_document.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function is used to list datasets in a given Dataverse. It is part of the SWORD API, which is used to upload data to a Dataverse server. This means this can be used to view unpublished Dataverses and Datasets.


A list.

See Also

Managing a Dataverse: publish_dataverse; Managing a dataset: dataset_atom, list_datasets, create_dataset, delete_dataset, publish_dataset; Managing files within a dataset: add_file, delete_file


## Not run: 
Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "")
Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"    = "c7208dd2-6ec5-469a-bec5-f57e164888d4")
dv <- get_dataverse("dataverse-client-r")

## End(Not run)

Publish dataset


Publish/release Dataverse dataset


  minor = TRUE,
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character specifying a persistent identification ID for a dataset, for example "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU". Alternatively, an object of class “dataverse_dataset” obtained by dataverse_contents().


A logical specifying whether the new release of the dataset is a “minor” release (TRUE, by default), resulting in a minor version increase (e.g., from 1.1 to 1.2). If FALSE, the dataset is given a “major” release (e.g., from 1.1 to 2.0).


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


Use this function to “publish” (i.e., publicly release) a draft Dataverse dataset. This creates a publicly visible listing of the dataset, accessible by its DOI, with a numbered version. This action cannot be undone. There are no requirements for what constitutes a major or minor release, but a minor release might be used to update metadata (e.g., a new linked publication) or the addition of supplemental files. A major release is best used to reflect a substantial change to the dataset, such as would require a published erratum or a substantial change to data or code.


A list.

See Also

get_dataset, publish_dataverse


## Not run: 
meta <- list()
ds <- create_dataset("mydataverse", body = meta)

## End(Not run)

Publish Dataverse (SWORD)


Publish/re-publish a Dataverse via SWORD


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



An object of class “sword_collection”, as returned by service_document.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function is used to publish a (possibly already published) Dataverse. It is part of the SWORD API, which is used to upload data to a Dataverse server.


A list.

See Also

Managing a Dataverse: publish_dataverse; Managing a dataset: dataset_atom, list_datasets, create_dataset, delete_dataset, publish_dataset; Managing files within a dataset: add_file, delete_file

Publish dataset (SWORD)


Publish a SWORD (possibly unpublished) dataset


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A dataset DOI (or other persistent identifier), an object of class “dataset_atom” or “dataset_statement”, or an appropriate and complete SWORD URL.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function is used to publish a dataset by its persistent identifier. This cannot be undone. The function is part of the SWORD API, which is used to upload data to a Dataverse server.


A list.

See Also

Managing a Dataverse: publish_dataverse; Managing a dataset: dataset_atom, list_datasets, create_dataset, delete_sword_dataset, publish_dataset; Managing files within a dataset: add_file, delete_file


## Not run: 
# retrieve your service document
d <- service_document()

# create a list of metadata
metadat <- list(title = "My Study",
                creator = "Doe, John",
                description = "An example study")

# create the dataset in first dataverse
dat <- initiate_sword_dataset(d[[2]], body = metadat)

# publish dataset

# delete a dataset

## End(Not run)

SWORD Service Document


Obtain a SWORD service document.


  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function can be used to check authentication against the Dataverse SWORD server. It is typically a first step when creating a new Dataverse, a new Dataset, or modifying an existing Dataverse or Dataset.


A list of class “sword_service_document”, possibly with one or more “sword_collection” entries. The latter are SWORD representations of a Dataverse. These can be passed to other SWORD API functions, e.g., for creating a new dataset.

See Also

Managing a Dataverse: publish_dataverse; Managing a dataset: dataset_atom, list_datasets, create_dataset, delete_dataset, publish_dataset; Managing files within a dataset: add_file, delete_file


## Not run: 
# retrieve your service document
d <- service_document()

# list available datasets in first dataverse

## End(Not run)

Set Dataverse metadata


Set Dataverse metadata


  root = TRUE,
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),



A character string specifying a Dataverse name or an object of class “dataverse”.


A list.


A logical.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


This function sets the value of metadata fields for a Dataverse. Use update_dataset to set the metadata fields for a dataset instead.


A list

See Also


Get Dataverse file download URL


Get URL of associated file. ⁠get_url_*⁠ functions return a URL as a string. This can be then used in other functions such as curl::curl_download().


  dataset = NULL,
  format = c("original", "bundle"),
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),
  original = TRUE,

  format = c("original", "bundle"),
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),
  original = TRUE,

  dataset = NULL,
  format = c("original", "bundle"),
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),
  original = TRUE,

  dataset = NULL,
  format = c("original", "bundle"),
  key = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY"),
  server = Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"),
  original = TRUE,



An integer specifying a file identifier; or a vector of integers specifying file identifiers; or, if used with the prefix "doi:", a character with the file-specific DOI; or, if used without the prefix, a filename accompanied by a dataset DOI in the dataset argument, or an object of class “dataverse_file” as returned by dataset_files. Can be a vector for multiple files.


A character specifying a persistent identification ID for a dataset, for example "10.70122/FK2/HXJVJU". Alternatively, an object of class “dataverse_dataset” obtained by dataverse_contents().


A character string specifying a file format for download. by default, this is “original” (the original file format). If NULL, no query is added, so ingested files are returned in their ingested TSV form. For tabular datasets, the option “bundle” downloads the bundle of the original and archival versions, as well as the documentation. See for details.


A character string specifying a Dataverse server API key. If one is not specified, functions calling authenticated API endpoints will fail. Keys can be specified atomically or globally using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "examplekey").


A character string specifying a Dataverse server. Multiple Dataverse installations exist, with "" being the most major. The server can be defined each time within a function, or it can be set as a default via an environment variable. To set a default, run Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") or add DATAVERSE_SERVER = "" in one's .Renviron file (usethis::edit_r_environ()), with the appropriate domain as its value.


A logical, defaulting to TRUE. If a ingested (.tab) version is available, download the original version instead of the ingested? If there was no ingested version, is set to NA. Note in ⁠get_dataframe_*⁠, original is set to FALSE by default. Either can be changed.


Additional arguments passed to an HTTP request function, such as GET, POST, or DELETE. See use_cache for details on how the R dataverse package uses disk and session caches to improve network performance.


Filename of the dataset, with file extension as shown in Dataverse (for example, if nlsw88.dta was the original but is displayed as the ingested, use the ingested version.)


A numeric ID internally used for get_file_by_id. Can be a vector for multiple files.


A DOI for a single file (not the entire dataset), of the form "10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE/MHDB0O" or "doi:10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE/MHDB0O". Can be a vector for multiple files.


This function does not download the associated data. In contrast, get_dataframe() downloads the requested file to a tempfile, and then uses R to read it. And get_file(.., return_url = FALSE) reads the binary file into R's memory with httr::GET(). get_url() simply return the URL for download.


A string or a list of strings that are URLs.


## Not run: 
# get URLs
  filename = "",
  dataset  = "10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE",
  server   = ""

# For ingested, tab-delimited files
  filename = "",
  dataset  = "10.70122/FK2/PPIAXE",
  original = FALSE,
  server   = ""

# To download to local directory
 destfile = "nlsw88.dta")

## End(Not run)